Super Flat Floor
Concrete floors are critical elements in any industrial & warehouse facility. This is particularly the case in high-bay warehousing, where high tolerance, very flat floors are essential for the efficient operation of the materials handling equipment used. Durafloor understand the importance of correctly designing and installing these floors, often referred to as Super-flat floors.
YANKIT CONCRETE FLOORING SYSTEM specialized in designing & casting super flat concrete floor slab as per fine tolerance prescribe by international flooring standard in including Technical Report 34 DIN 18202, DIN 15-185, all ASTM standards (including the fine specification) and many other leading international standard.
Benefits of Super Flat Floor
Super Flat Floor has a number of Benefits, Listed below are some them…
- High material handling efficiency.
- Safer working conditions for Lifting Equipment.
- Lower maintenance cost on Lifting Equipment
- More durable floor longer working life-span.
Superf lat floors are required where very narrow aisle trucks are employed to place and pick goods stacked to heights over 12-13m, where the path of the truck is fixed and the truck is floor supported, i.e. it runs on the floor. This is helpful in order to provide ¦jointless' slcel-fibre floors, when compared with the normal 'longstrip' method, which normally results in unacceptable aspect ratios for such Door designs. Another method of achieving 'Supcrtlai jointless' floors is by placing an accu rate large pour slab and bonding, typically. 70mm-thick 'Superllal strips' to this using special bonding agent and employing particularly highly skilled labour. Being struc turally bonded, the overall deptli of the slab is unaltered using this method.